Outdoor wedding ceremony


This is perfect for the couple who want to share the first part of the day with people closets to them and then celebrate the night away with the rest of their friends and family

Intimate Package

Package Includes

Onsite ceremony

Drink & canapes

Photos on the bridge and grounds

Private 3 course wedding breakfast

Half a bottle of house wine per guest

Toast drink

Cake stand & knife

Evening food

DJ for the evening

Starlight LED 10 x 10 dancefloor

Private bar for evening

Tables for dining, cake and gifts

Chair covers and sash

White linen and tableware

Isle carpet

Menu Tasting for the Bride and Groom

Complimentary honeymoon suite

Discounted bedroom rates for 14 rooms

Wedding coordinator to help you

Our Wedding Brochure

Download our handy wedding brochure which is filled with useful information to help you plan your big day.

Wedding cake with 'LOVE' sign